What is new in Magento 2 with Tobias Zander @airbone42 at #phpworld

What is new in Magento 2 with Tobias Zander @airbone42 at #phpworld Ever since October 4th of 2013, the Magento 2 team has been pushing weekly updates to GitHub.

Magento2 is built on HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, LESS, requirejs. This means that Magento 2 won't support IE8.

Layout configuration is changing in Magento 2. Breaking the XML files into multiple files to make it easier to find what you need to change.

Unlimited theme fallbacks are coming in Magento 2.

Magento 2 currently has support of PHP 5.4 & 5.5. PHP 5.6 support will be coming soon.

Magento 2 follows PSR-0, PSR-1, PSR-2 and uses real namespaces.

XSD support for XML files is coming to Magento 2.

New file structure in Magento 2 so that modules have one folder, no need to install modules into multiple folders.

Magento 2 has Composer support. You can install Magento 2 from Composer.

Added the Service Layer to make things more reusable and easier to extend. More details at https://alankent.wordpress.com/2014/05/22/magento-2-service-layer/)

Dependency injections and interceptors are coming to Magento 2.

There’s great improvements coming for admin users in Magento 2 as well - adding products is MUCH simpler.

Magento 2 consists of 1.5 million lines of code currently. 2,600 integration tests. 7,600 unit tests. Not complete code coverage, but significantly better than Magento 1 which shipped with no coverage at all.

100 JS unit tests, over 100 static tests including PHP mess detector. 9 performance tests.

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